A couple weeks ago, in my lifestories website, I said that after two weeks into retirement I was enjoying the new life. But I never detailed exactly what I was doing.
One of the best things about my chosen activities, is they all seem to blend together at some level. I have been involved with PCs and related technology from the mid-1970s. And 20 years ago, I started learning about and creating websites. But for a much longer period of time, I have been cooking – so I think that you can see where this is going…
SteveDoesFood.com is a site that I created about 5 years ago under the name “Sturdy Chef”, but recently I decided that I didn’t like that name, so I moved it all over to the new domain.

I originally just wanted to have a place to collect and display all of my family’s old recipes, but it soon took on new purposes, and I have been adding recipes that Colleen and I have created (or modified to our liking).
As I mentioned, I’ve been cooking since childhood. I remember watching my dad cooking fried eggs and bacon, and the desire to be like him must have started me going. When I was growing up, food was equated with fun, and we frequently got on the city bus and rode downtown to gramma’s where we always had some kind of feast. I learned about pies, biscuits, gravy and lots of other comfort food from the best. Then when I was 14, I got a summer job at the Colorado Lagoon concession stand and I spent the next 5 summers cooking and serving Hamburgers and Hot Dogs – it was elegant cuisine!

I am definitely not a food or cooking expert, but by nature I am very curious, and learning and discovering the way it all works is important to me. I was surprised later in life to discover that many people were not cooks in the sense that although they could open a box or package and follow the instructions, they wouldn’t be able to go outside those boundaries. I’m not like that at all – I’m all for starting from scratch and seeing what happens. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes not. But I think that throughout the years, you get a feeling for what works and what doesn’t.
SteveDoesFood.com is a hobby that combines the 4 things that I enjoy the most; family, cooking, technology and writing. By linking these posts to Facebook, I’m hoping to make a connection and give us all a few more things to talk about and give us a break from all the other crap that is going on.
Thanks for indulging me!